You too can submit your own celebrity home! | President House

You too can submit your own celebrity home!

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Thank you for visiting this site. Please help us grow the site by submitting your celebrity home.


If you would like to contribute, please provide us with your email address and username in the comments section or via the contact form in the Privacy Policy.


We will send you an email invitation.


Submission procedure
  1. Google Maps will take aerial and frontal shots of the house. Use the “snipping tool” for this.”

  3. Identify the desired house in Google Maps, click the Share button, choose to embed the map, and select Large.

  5. Finally, click on “COPY HTML” and paste it into the site’s editing window.






If you do not know how to submit, please ask. Thank you.

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  1. John Mac says:


  2. Brandon Duran says:

    Hello this is Brandon Duran and I just let me know I don’t know find the address of Tommy thayer of kiss so I don’t know what location is from Brandon

  3. Anonymous says:

    141 Alpine Court, Franklin, TN 37069

    House of Healthcare Business owner Robert B. Wamble Jr. DPH

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